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More Autumn Marathon fun - From Netherlands & York

James Heaney
Last Sunday (15.10.23) we had more members join the Autumn Marathon club of 2023 – we had 7 members take on 26.2 miles in Amsterdam and Yorkshire. Firstly we focus on our international contingent who ventured 26.2 miles around the South of the Netherlands Capital for the TCS Amsterdam Marathon before experiencing the countryside along one of the many Dutch canals before making their way back to where they started, in the Olympic Stadium.

Our members on the day included Matt Webster (PB - 3:00:40), Kate Gooding (PB - 3:09:43), Hilary Byrne (3:56:04), Rachael Lockwood (4:18:03) & Joe Woodley (4:36:45) all smashing out amazing times in the Dutch Sunshine (refer to runners for video of the monsoons). Our first two runners home of Matt & Kate both achieved PBs on the day – Amazing work from you all and we hope you enjoyed a bit of Dutch culture afterwards to celebrate.
A bit closer to home, geographically albeit the journey north probably took a bit longer, in York we had Gareth Seville (3:07:57) and Zoe Jones (3:48:12) take on The Yorkshire Marathon. Both flew around the course starting and finishing in the University of York after venturing east of York and after visiting the Village of Stamford Bridge.
Same message as last week - Well done to all seven of you; amazing work, not just only on the day, but for the amount of dedication over the months prior to the event to accomplish what you set out to achieve.
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