Membership fees are due on 1st April each year and membership runs until the end of the following March.
This membership fee includes affiliation to SEAA and England Athletics. Benefits of affiliation to these organisations include insurance coverage on organised club training and a reduction of entry fees when entering an affiliated race.
How to Join
If you are interested in becoming a member of the Club, please feel free to come along to a training session on a Monday evening. Join in one of our sessions and see if what we can offer appeals to you. You may decide after the first session that we are what you have been looking for in a running club, but no pressure will be put upon you to make a decision at that time.
All we ask is that after a couple of trial sessions, if you are still interested in joining, then download a membership application form.
Our Policies
Club Rules and Constitution - download here
Club Code of Conduct - download here
WAC Safeguarding Policy - download here
WAC Grievance and Discipinary Procedure - download here
General Data Protection Regulations:
WAC Privacy Policy
Members' Privacy Statement
Health and Safety
Current Risk Assessment